Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Of Tool Bars and Bling Things

I have never added bling to my cell phone or bejeweled an old jacket. I have never sat in school and doodled flowers on my notebook. It's just not me and I have always thought of it as something 14 year old girls do while watching Hannah Montannah or listening to Jonas Brothers songs. It is unnecessary and childish and superfluous. Then I found

It speaks to my nerdly girly soul. The part of me that loves lipstick, high heels, and high speed downloads to my PDA. No discernible bling. No stick em on glittery shit that others can see. No, an intensely personal, for my eyes only blue swimming fish instead of a cursor. He frolics on my page all happy and bug eyed as I use him to choose what font I want or click on an url. He is my bling. I can also change him into a power tool or some other frivolous cursor avatar when I get bored of him and need change to brighten my mood.

They have quite a selection of images to choose from. has more than enough choices for the average ass-hat (Mistress Rage's brilliant word), nerd, bible thumper, patriot, dog lover, cat lover, 14 year old girl/boy, and anyone else. Almost anyone else. I have noticed a dearth of anything BDSM or PG-13 for that matter. I was looking for a high heel shoe or a flogger but eh, can't have everything.

But this brings me to my next issue. Toolbars. I have 5 now after adding Cursermania which added it's own toolbar. I am glad that it didn't mess up my other toolbars or replace any of them or make things incompatible. However I have 5 fucking toolbars and with every toolbar added, I have less and less screen. I am looking at a solid 3inches of toolbar. This is not including 6 tabs I have open. I have a firefox, Yahoo, Google, Stumble, and Cursermania toolbars piled on one another like an orgy.

Is mine bigger than yours? Do I have Freudian penis issues that I am not aware of manifesting itself in the form of Internet stuff? Am I the only one? After a few more toolbar additions (I am eyeballing d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s) will I have any screen space left or will I be working on a two inch sliver and in need of an intervention? Beats me.

However I am totally digging and my blue fish. Speaking of Digg, does that have a toolbar?

1 comment:

  1. It's just funny to say ass-hat isn't it!!!!
